The Ultimate Couch to 5K Program

The new and improved Couch to 5K Program for Everyone
No matter your starting point, the Ultimate Couch to 5K Program adapts to you. All aspects of the program are adjustable based on your own personal performance. No more trying to keep up with unrealistic standards based on someone else’s expectations. Take control of your own health and happiness today!

About the program

The Ultimate Couch to 5K Program

The new and improved Ultimate Couch to 5K Program is designed to have three key phases to: (1) Get You Prepared to Run, (2) Get You Running, and (3) Get You Running Faster and Longer.

Running Foundations

12 Weeks

Get Ready to Run

The first 12 weeks (Foundations) is to build General Physical Preparedness (GPP) through resistance training, increasing daily steps, light impact training, and more – in an effort to make an individual ready to run.

The entire program is geared towards the individual, as all resistance levels and intensities are scalable to a person’s individual capabilities. The program has a fair amount of variability throughout to make the process more engaging and enjoyable, while still appropriately training the entire body in preparation for the next phase.

Running Strength

8 Weeks

Start Running

This phase is designed to strengthen the muscles for running and continue to build bone and tissue tolerance. This occurs through heavier resistance training, increasing/maintaining daily steps, jogging, and more – in an effort to make an individual capable of running.

In this phase you will be introduced to new concepts related to running performance such as pacing, and breathing. Upon completion, you will be prepared to enter into Phase 3 – Running Performance as you will have built up your overall strength and bone and tissue tolerance for more robust running.

Running Performance

6 Weeks

Run Faster and Longer

These final 6 weeks (Running Performance) are designed to build speed and power through maximum dynamic effort resistance training, maintaining daily steps, running, sprinting, and more – in an effort to bring your overall running performance to the next level.

In this phase you will drastically improve cardiorespiratory health and aerobic capacity, giving you the tools to be able to run 5km without stopping, pain free.

The full 26-week program is designed to prepare anyone of any fitness level to be able to run 5km consistently, without stopping – pain-free.

Price: $9.99

One lifetime payment to receive the entire  program and instructional videos.

Customized Training

All weights, resistance levels, intensities, speeds, and daily steps are tailored to you.

Addon: Application

Don’t want a PDF? Get the program on TrainHeroic or TrueCoach for $7/mo.


Take back control of your life – happier, healthier, and full of life.